​Is your machine summer-proof?

No machine downtime after the summer due to our tips!

The summer is coming, not only you but also your electronics yield under the hot summer sun. But why will your equipment start so difficult after a period of leave? Is this due to the old age? Is it because of the elevated temperature and humidity? Or does your machine want a quiet start, just like you?

Several factors determine the smooth start-up of your machine

First, the summer provides a higher temperature. Each electronic component has an absolute maximum of temperature at which an operation is guaranteed. Industrial applications have a temperature grade of 125 ° C. If the temperature rises above the permissible characteristic, it creates a greater likelihood that your machine will collapse.

This temperature however, is a static given which takes no account of variations in temperature, such as, for example, the cooling of the temperature during the night. The effects per machine down to the component level can look very different. Intuitively, the influence of heat can be explained that chemical processes, in general, take more rapidly place at a higher temperature.

A second variable is that machines that never stopped during the year and get a rest in the summer anyway, the risk of problems increases. This can be explained by the transition from standstill to running demands the most of obsolete components.

Specific effects of higher temperatures for your machine

• Lubricants change properties so your engine will consume unnecessary energy and additional heat is created.

• Components based on chemical liquids such as batteries and capacitors dry out and lose their properties.

• The expansion and contraction of materials can peel seals or metal fatigue may occur (this will make electronic connections are terminated).

• Chemical reactions in semiconductors will exhibit different properties.

• Computers can run slower because the processor’s heat can’t lose on time.

How can you fix this?

• Ensure adequate air flow through your electronic equipment.

• Minimize the humidity as high temperature oxidation reactions go faster.

• Maintenance mechanical parts at regular intervals.

• Try to limit the turn off of machines in time.

• Do revise your equipment preventive thoroughly by us. After all, we preventively replace components that are more sensitive due to age for an elevated temperature.

With these tips, you're ready for a (hopefully) hot summer. Turns out these tips are not enough to avoid a defect, you can count on us the entire summer (and of course afterwards too).

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